Publications · 25. Januar 2021
Hi there! I started a new project, which I hope will interest you guys. This Friday, I published the first edition of my bilingual newsletter "Diarios LatAm" - it‘s a weekly newsletter about events in different Latin American countries. I hope to inspire you guys with different weekly stories and direct attention to people and projects that haven‘t received a lot of publicity. If you want to find out more, visit the website to see an archive of all the previous newsletters and subscribe:...
Publications · 12. Dezember 2020
"A model, a mentor and a motivator" - Remembering Guido Goldman, an influential figure in transatlantic cooperation and academia. Goldman passed away on November 30, at the age of 83.
Publications · 08. Dezember 2020
When Colombia imposed its national coronavirus lockdown in late March, some experts had predicted that the shutdown would limit crime and homicide. But the lockdown, which ended on Sept.1, did the opposite.
Publications · 07. Dezember 2020
The most festive European Christmas markets, and which ones you can still enjoy in-person this year. Though the coronavirus pandemic has halted many celebrations, there’s still joy to be found in reminiscing on past ones.
Publications · 07. November 2020
As the world was waiting anxiously for the US 2020 Presidential Election outcomes, the US reported more than 100,000 daily coronavirus cases on November 5, the highest number so far recorded. In the meantime, many European countries have imposed second lockdowns.
Publications · 19. Oktober 2020
During the final years of WWII and after the war ended in 1945, approximately 12 million refugees and expellees migrated to a war-torn Germany where the living standards were low and the economy shattered. Many of these refugees had relatives whose ancestors were German. Johanna Ditter was one of them.
Publications · 08. Oktober 2020
In this piece for Bedford + Bowery, I follow the story of an underground psychedelic therapist and her journey towards legalizing her work.
Publications · 23. September 2020
This podcast looks at how the COVID-19 pandemic has been reshaping Europe’s political landscape. Joining the discussion is Christian Martin, the Max Weber Visiting Chair in German and European Studies at NYU’s Center for European and Mediterranean Studies. He was with NYTA in mid-April and will help assess how the situation has shifted over the last few months. Some of the topics we discuss are: -The impact of COVID-19 on European domestic politics and general attitudes towards the EU and...
Publications · 22. September 2020
COVID-19 and Racial Justice Civil Society Relief Efforts in Hard-Hit Communities of New Orleans, Atlanta and Washington D.C.
Publications · 27. Mai 2020
"Across Latin America, Indigenous territories are particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus. In Costa Rica, public health measures have largely prevented infections among the Indigenous population. But for Indigenous territories like Térraba, in the Puntarenas province, other dangers remain. Even when the coronavirus shutdown ends, the threat of violence against Indigenous people defending their land will continue."